Acting in Columbus is a professional training studio in Columbus, Ohio which offers small and practical acting classes in a supportive yet challenging environment.
Acting in Columbus is a professional training studio in Columbus, Ohio which offers small and practical acting classes in a supportive yet challenging environment. We offer classes for adults in Scene Study, On-Camera, Improv, Acting for Film and Master classes. We're also offering an On-Camera Workshop for young performers and their parents. With our small class sizes; you receive personal attention from our faculty - all working, professional actors and directors.
Click on Ron K's photo to see his National 'GE' Commercial
Prospective students frequently ask us what differentiates us from other acting classes. We answer that question by sharing what kind of work our students are booking. Your acting class will consist of no more than 12 students who will discover together that acting is probably the most challenging and thrilling thing they've ever done.
Four-Week Intensive - Saturdays beginning April 18, 2009 - May 9, 2009 10:00am-12:30pm $125
Theater terminology (intention, motivation, relationship, obstacles, plan of action) is reviewed or introduced through various individual and ensemble exercises. These serve as the foundation for film/TV method exercises dealing with sense memory, focus, subtext, inner life, and moment to moment interaction. Student exercises are hinged to assigned film/TV scripts, to better relate process with result. Creating an environment, cold-reading exercises, inner monologue, and relationship work are explored in detail. Each student works every class. All exercises and scenes are video-taped with playback critiques an essential part of class time.
This class is limited to 12 students.
Friday/Saturday/Sunday May 15-17, 2009 $275
Weekend Acting Boot Camp is designed for the beginner who want intensive training over a short period of time or the rusty actor who needs to get back on top of their game. Boot Camp will give you a strong foundation in acting techniques as well as a firm grasp of the nuts and bolts of scene work and audition skills.
Your Boot Camp will consist of no more than eight students who will discover together that acting is probably the most challenging and thrilling thing they have ever done. You will learn that if indeed this is for you and you stick with it, you will not only acquire a skill, but you will do something quite extraordinary with your life.
FRIDAY 7-9:30pm: Orientation Students will learn how to actively pursue objectives, creating character, and making choices based on the Super-Objective of the character.
SATURDAY 10am-6pm: Acting for Film/Scene Study Begin work on subtext and objectives, gaining an understanding of the basic mechanics of playing a scene truthfully.
Audition/Cold Reading Techniques - Learn audition techniques that will help you get the part. Understand the audition process and learn what a casting director is looking for in an audition.
Getting a scene "cold", making powerful acting choices, listening and answering in the moment as you fully commit to your acting partner and your objective in the scene. Your auditions will be filmed and you'll receive feedback from the instructor.
SUNDAY 12-8pm: Acting for TV Commercials Learn how to audition for and break into the local commercial and industrial industry. Experience with the actual audition process: You'll work on-camera all day doing both prepared and cold readings, and receive plenty of feedback from your instructor.
This workshop is limited to eight (8) students.
Audition. A formally arranged session (usually by appointment through an agent) for an actor to display his or her talents when seeking a role in an upcoming production of a play, film or television project.
Callback. A second audition where an actor is either presented to the producer and director or, in the case of commercials, is filmed on tape again for final consideration.
Cold read. Cold reading is a term used by actors in theatre, television, film, and performance fields. A cold reading is a reading out loud from a script/side without any rehearsal or study in advance. This is generally required in auditions and casting calls.
Demo Reel. This is a sample video tape (there are demo tapes for voiceover) of your previous work. Your demo real should display your versatility. When creating your demo, try and keep it short, up to 5 minutes of clips showing the many types of characters you can portray.
Extra. A non-speaking part, background or atmosphere. Extra work is a terrific way to begin your education in the film industry and resume preparation. Extras are generally paid to hang around in the background of a scene to make the shot more realistic. Sometimes extras get singled out to perform more than just background, perhaps you may get a speaking part or more on camera time.
Monologue. A speech used by an actor to demonstrate his or her ability at an audition.Open Casting Calls. Auditions open to anyone.
Principle. This is what most actors are striving for, a main character in a project. One with lines, on camera time and better salary. A major part of the film or project.
Scene Study and Analysis. A pre-audition practice of studying a few pages of a script ahead of time.
Screen Test. A recorded audition to determine a person’s suitability as an actor for film or television.
Sides. Designated scenes pulled out of an entire script to be used for auditions.Slate. The act of stating your name and agency on a commercial audition while being videotaped.
Click on this icon to view the MARCH 2009 ISSUE
Click on this icon to view the FEBRUARY 2009 ISSUE